Okay, so this is me, of course :) Got some more pics of me. I know I haven't been keeping up with this homepage thing, so you'll all have to forgive me. I've gotten engaged to Valerie Meyer (see below) and some friends from church and I have started a band, so I've been busy, REAL busy. Just got my hair colored a couple of days ago. Just wait until I get a tattoo. I have one all picked out, all I got to do is wait until Jason is ready to get one as well, seeing as he talked me into it. Someday, I WILL get this page all updated to a frames version (yeah right, someyear more like it) but until then, keep enjoying what I have. I have been getting some time, and now that my roommate and I have a scanner, I'll have to get some pics of him on the page too. His name's Rick and he's pretty cool. Uh, I think that's about it for now, sorry for not changing much, but hey, in a few millenia maybe it'll evolve into something new, you never know ;) I got the other pics taken with Taggart's digital eye. I know it's not the best, but it will have to do until they get their digital camera. Well, they got their digital camera and the picture on the home page is taken with it and the most current. Hope you like it :)

This song is pretty big and may take a long time to load in, but it really describes who I am. I suggest waiting for it to load and to give it a listen.

This is my wife, Valerie. I really have to get an updated picture of her and us together on here. Anyways, is she hot or what?!?!? She is 18 years old, and is also from Wisconsin. She is one of the most important parts of my life and has helped me find my way back towards God. I can't even begin to thank her enough. Nor can I say how much I love her, there aren't enough words to explain how deep my love goes. Alright, alright, I know, that's enough with the mushy stuff. Hopefully some day I'll get a current picture of just her on here. Visit Val's webpage...click here :) Just one more thing to say: Val, I LOVE YOU!!

This is Val and I, Christmas 1997. I finally got this picture from her about 2 or 3 weeks ago, so they're not really up to date with getting pictures developed ;) I really don't understand it, but Valerie doesn't like this picture either. Must be a girl thing, so far, she's only like about 1 picture in about 100, it seems.

This is Valerie and her mother, Theresa. This was taken April 18, 1998 which was prom night for her and I. If you want to see more, you can go to Valerie's homepage, hopefully she'll have them up. Valerie didn't want me to put this picture up, but I think it is just the greatest pic. Making it look like she doesn't like getting a kiss from her mom, but doesn't do a very good job at it ;)

This was also taken on April 18, 1998 by my sister, Corinna. We had a great time that night. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait for next year's prom. It'll be her year next time :)

This is a picture of me (on the right) and my best guy friend, Jason (on the left). He is so cool and has been a close friend for about 7 years now. We hang out together and play video games together. Usually end up playing seasons upon seasons on Madden football. I usually end up whooping his ass!!!! *heh heh* j/k We are usually pretty competitive and it's about a 50/50 win/lose ratio, although we both totally whoop on the computer most of the time.

Jeremy Smith

N8060 East River Road
Bear Creek, WI 54922
United States

First of all, about myself. I am 23 years old and have lived my whole life in Wisconsin. Sorry if there are so many pics of me, but I want the best one possible. The most current pic is on the home page. Let's see, I am a shy guy (In Real Life=IRL) at first, until you get to know me or until I get to know you. On the Internet, I am usually pretty open and friendly. I don't like groups(both IRL or online for some reason), unless its a small group of friends. I pretty much just quietly drift into the background if there are too many people, but I am getting better. I love all type of music, except the slow country songs (they put me to sleep). Right now I am way into Christian music. I like alternative, hip hop, dance, jazz, classical, oldies, video game music. I went to a Power of One concert on November 1st, 1997 and saw Jars of Clay along with Reality Check, Plum, The Waiting, and Big Tent Revival. It was a great concert and I'm going to next year's too. Okay, so this year's concert is on October 31st, 1998; Halloween. I am going and the artists there are going to be Hocus Pick, Lost and Found, Out of Eden, Audio Adrenaline, The Dingees, Ghoti Hook, and SKILLET!!!!!! I can't wait! I am so pumped up for the concert. God is going to do some awesome things that day. I can feel it. I'll let you all know how it went. Some of my favorite bands are Stavesacre, Grammatrain, Ghoti Hook, MxPx, KIIS, T-Bone, Big Tent Revival, Audio Adrenaline, and bunches more. They are all Christian bands. The song "Who I Am," which you heard if you loaded that song (above) is from the group Seven Day Jesus. They are pretty good and I recommend their CD to anybody into Rock/Alternative. I am learning how to play guitar, hopefully someday I will actually be good at playing it :) At least it keeps me busy if I have nothing else to do. Well, I have gotten a lot better at playing the guitar and some friends from More Than Conquers youth group and I have formed a band. I'm not sure what we call ourselves yet, Mild Mannered Citizens for now, I guess. We'll see how that name fits for awhile, until we can come up with a really cool name. I play guitar for worship for both our church (Assemblies of God) and youth group (MTC). I am constantly getting better, but Mike, (drummer) has outsurpassed me by lots. He's got musical talent up the butt and is awesome on drums, bass, and guitar. Mark plays bass and has gotten a lot better than he was before, guess practice makes you better, eh Mark ;) Someday, maybe, you'll hear us or something.

I am currently working at Hawk Trailers, LLC. They manufacture horse trailers there. I work as a computer technician/office/autoCAD/whatever they need me for. My ultimate goal is to become (something) some time in the future. Someday I hope to get back to school, but with marriage coming along, I won't have the money for it for awhile. That's okay though because I'm happy where I'm at, and that's all that matters. I'm not sure what I'll be in the future, could be something to do with computers, but right now, it might actually be leaning toward something with music, like the band or as a dj or something, I'm not sure, but I am going to keep going for the computer thing, in case other things don't turn out. Some of my interests are reading, drawing, basketball, tennis and, of course, playing video games.

Valerie and I spend some time chatting on the computer so if you have Telnet, the address for The Lighthouse is I use the name zerOCOoL, from one of my favorite movies, Hackers, if you want to chat with me, if you want to chat with Valerie, she uses the name Spunky. If you have Telnet available through Netscape, just click on the site below :)

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This page last updated on March 09, 2000.